10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,...—Philippians 3:10, ESV

Before our salvation, sin worked
in us, defiling us with the things of the world. Considering these
things as rubbish (see verses 7-8) removes the temptation and hindrance they bring to
knowing Christ and experiencing His redemptive power here and now. It is amazing that we can partake in the resurrection, spiritually now, and then later, in a physical sense on the last
day (see 2 Corinthians 4:16). Because of Jesus' resurrection we have the hope of changing and escaping the corruption caused by sin. We have the hope of living news lives now and eternally. We're no longer bound to the sins that have controlled us. Praise be to God who gives us new life
through Jesus Christ!
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